For this reason, The posts that I'm making are 1/2 weeks late. - The products in this current post were brought last week. (and I'm only just writing them up now, I'm really sorry!) But on with the post!
Last week I had a reading week (The equivalent half term) most of which I spent over James's side of London (Hackney, North London). For us students there really isn't that much going on around there. We did a trip to see the new Bond film, Skyfall, although I'm not a fan it was alright. We travelled into Camden one day, then to the nearest shopping centre to James which is Wood Green.
Theres not much going on in Wood Green, just a bunch of shops that want to take my money. (Primark, Superdrug, Boots, New Look. To name a few.) When we go there the intention is just to go for a coffee, and maybe a slice of cake if I'm lucky. But I nearly always come home with a handful of items, that I've convinced myself I need. Which is what the items in this post are, things I've coaxed myself into buying.
Here we have 2 Bras from Primark, 2 Samantha Chapman make-up brushes (Stippling Brush, Shading brush), Benefit Lip Plump, and a pack of fake pearl earrings from Primark.
The main items I want to share with you are the 2 Samantha Chapman Brushes, and the Benefit lip plump.
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This is the Samantha Chapman, Real Techniques, Stippling Brush. And I am fully in love with it.
I used to apply my foundation with the standard foundation brush. But after watching a few tutorials where a stippling brush was used, I was pretty much sold.
When I saw that Samantha had a stippling in her collection, I had to have it! At £11.99 its a damn sight better than the £32 MAC want for the same brush.
It's pretty lovely to use too, very light and gives nice coverage. I find with the flat foundation brush, I get brush strokes over my face, but with this one, no strokes or grooves left.
Overall I was VERY pleased by the results of this brush, and It's become my everyday brush.
(find it here
I also purchased the Samantha Chapman, Blending Brush. I've got to confess, I haven't used this brush much since I brought it. I used it a few times to apply very little eyeshadow, I've not used it for anything substantial yet sadly.
But when I did use the brush, I felt it was easier to apply and blend the eyeshadow, than with the eyeshadow spongey brush that they usually give you, that doesn't often work.
This brush cost me £7.00 which I thought was a fair price for it, it'll earn its place in my make up bag the more I use it.
I'm looking forward to doing some dramatic smokey eye's with this brush, maybe some time in the near future?
(find it here,
After many failed attempts at locating a lip primer, I have found one!
This Benefit Lip Plump, is a dual action product. It plumps (as the name would suggest) and primes all in one. It cost me £14.50 which after all the failed attempts at finding the product, I was more than happy to pay. Now I have the primer firmly in my grasp, I'm certainly not letting it go!
It's in a lipgloss tube for easily application, you only need the tinniest amount of this product for it to work.
I made the mistake of applying too much then it took forever to dry. I was fly catching for a good 1/2 minutes to my boyfriends amusement.
I found that my lipstick lasted 2/3 times longer with this underneath, and it did make my lips appear fuller without overdrawing them.
Overall, I was over the moon with this product, and I recommend it to everyone. I lurrrrve it. ;)
(find it here,
I hope you guys enjoyed this post, it was quite heavy on the reading, but if you did read it, thanks a lot! It means a lot that people are reading my blog. I hope that you find my posts somewhat useful! Thanks! Charley xoxo
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